Intel PIII 600Mhz 133 Slot-1 CPU Processor SL3XJ 78YJU 600EB/256/133/1.65V S1

Intel PIII 600Mhz 133 Slot-1 CPU Processor SL3XJ 78YJU 600EB/256/133/1.65V S1

Intel PIII 600Mhz 133 Slot-1 CPU Processor SL3XJ 78YJU 600EB/256/133/1.65V S1
Item# 78YJU
Availability: Usually Ships the same business day.

Product Description

Part Number78YJU
Description600EB/256/133/1.65V S1 256KB/133Mhz/1.65V Slot 1
Availability1 In Stock (Bin Location: 7-P12-B)
Warranty30 days
Packaging Bulk
UPC 659245249448

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